Sunday, September 11, 2011

Making changes

Saying goodbye to the cold wet days of winter, we're now in spring.
This space of mine's very much neglected this year, a true reflection of the lack of holidays I've taken this year. I've been home many times for short breaks but not the sightseeing ones.

It's been a big year for me (and yes, it's only September!). Good in some, and not so good in some. Disappointments in a few and hence, a change is needed. I'm moving home for good which means a big paycut which translates to almost non-existent holidays. It's depressing to know that to travel in the future, I'll have to spend months and months to save up.

I have a terrible feeling that this space might have only 1 or 2 posts a year :(.

Anyone knows of any travelling/holiday/vacation bodies who'll pay to have me write about places? Actually, they may not even need to pay me.... just the transport,lodging and spending money on food. That's all. I promise